Extended Data Fig. 4. Synaptic potentiation in different types of connections.
a, Pre-synaptic non-accommodating neurons (characterized by their long time to spike, see M&M and Extended Data Fig. 1c) were more likely to develop a potentiation of uEPSP1 (Stim1 potentiation) upon application of the Hebbian plasticity induction protocol; naïve (black) connections refer to Fig. 4a, whereas green and red connections refer to Fig. 5a–d, with green dots reflecting uEPSP1 amplitude in CFC-recruited (GFP-positive) and red dots in non-recruited neurons (GFP-negative). b, Pooling uEPSP1 amplitudes of neuronal pairs with either a presynaptic non-accommodating or accommodating neurons did not reveal potentiation (Two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test, W = 71, P > 0.05, n = 20). Error bar is mean + sem. c, Left: there was no change in overall uEPSP amplitude across the stimulus train (uEPSP1-8 through uEPSPR, two-sided paired Student’s t-test, t5 = 0.8, P > 0.05, n = 12 connections with a pre-synaptic non-accommodating neuron), suggesting that a redistribution of synaptic efficacy – a presynaptic mechanism – explains the potentiation of uEPSP1; right: overall uEPSP amplitude after Hebbian pairing for connections with a pre-synaptic accommodating neuron (uEPSP1-8 through uEPSPR, paired Student’s t-test, t5 = 1.7, P > 0.05, n = 6). d, A double-output motif subjected to the Hebbian protocol for inducing synaptic plasticity. Left, uEPSPs recorded from the double-output motif, before (blue) and after (yellow) Hebbian pre- and post-synaptic pairing (grey, zoomed inset) of 10 pre- and post-synaptic (within 10 ms delay) APs at 30 Hz, repeated 15 times, with an inter-trial interval of 10 s (as used in Fig. 4a); pairing; uEPSPs were considered to occur either simultaneously (‘Simult.’; both connections; red lines) or individually (‘Indiv.’; exactly one connection, but not both) between the two connections of the motif. Right, the normalized probability for simultaneous EPSPs was higher after Hebbian pairing, when compared to individual release, indicating synchronization of neuronal activity.