Genotype does not affect short-term synaptic plasticity (STSP) in adult male dorsal hippocampus (DH) or ventral hippocampus (VH). Results are shown for DH (A,B) and VH (C,D). (A,C) Representative traces of synaptic responses at 5 Hz, 20 Hz, 40 Hz, and 100 Hz stimulation trains (top panels), and corresponding percent change in responses during stimulation trains (bottom panels) are shown for wild-type (WT) and Fmr1-knockout (KO) male rats. (B,D) Average paired-pulse ratio (PPR) at four different inter-pulse intervals (IPIs) (left), percentage of steady-state response (average of 8th-10th responses) plotted as function of stimulus frequency (middle), and percentage of all conditioned responses (average of 2th–10th responses) plotted as function of stimulus frequency (right). Superimposed sample traces of paired-pulse responses from WT and KO are shown in inserts; scale bars: 25 ms, 1 mV. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of hippocampal slices used in analysis.