Short-term synaptic plasticity (STSP) strongly differs between dorsal (DH) and ventral (VH) hippocampus. Results are shown for males (A,B) and females (C,D), as well as for wild-type (WT) (A,C) and Fmr1-knockout (KO) (B,D) rats. In each of four panels (A–D) are shown average paired-pulse ratio (PPR, left), percentage of steady-state response (average of 8th–10th responses), and percentage of all conditioned responses (average of 2th–10th responses). Data presented here are replotted from Figure 1 and Figure 2 to illustrate dorsoventral differences in STSP. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of hippocampal slices used in analysis. Asterisks (*) denote statistically significant difference between DH and VH at p < 0.05 (independent t-test).