Table 5.
Behavioral antecedents and proposed improvement.
Type of Intervention | Antecedent | Modifiable Exclusively by Clinicians | How to Change |
Traditional Cardiac Rehabilitation | Non-referral by treating clinicians | Yes | Training in effective patient communication; Avoiding clinician turnover. |
Lack of endorsement of clinicians effectiveness | Yes | Training in effective patient communication | |
Lower socio-economic status | No | / | |
Lack of interest | Yes | Implement health education and psychoeducation pathways | |
Inadequate physical condition | No | / | |
Geographical distance | No | / | |
Smoking | No | / | |
Poor functional capacity | No | / | |
Increased body mass index | No | / | |
History of cardiovascular accident | No | / | |
Reduced frequency of activity | No | / | |
Remote Heart Failure Monitoring | Lack of confidence in telehealth approaches | Yes | Training on methods and purpose of programs before recruitment |
Preference for direct contact with clinician | Yes | Implement synchronous contacts with a team of referring clinicians | |
Inability or unwillingness to use technology | Yes | Define simple and intuitive usability | |
Technology unreliable (including too slow, or interrupted) | Yes | Verify network reliability through periodic testing | |
Technology too difficult to use (user interface design, accessibility features, complexity of procedures, integration with other devices) | Yes | Define simple and intuitive usability | |
Poor integration of the telehealth support role with wider team and service roles | Yes | Implement synchronous contacts with a team of referring clinicians | |
Lack of timely feedback on the success of the service | Yes | Introduce immediate visual feedback to confirm correct data submission |