Heatmap for top 50 joint dysregulated gene sets by magnitude of change in asthma relative to the control group. Upregulated and downregulated gene sets are indicated in red and blue, respectively. Among the top 50 dysregulated gene sets, 21 were categorized under metabolism. Of these, 8 are related to protein metabolism, including pathways for translation and protein folding. Four gene sets are directly associated with the aerobic respiration process, while the remaining sets are linked to the metabolism of carbohydrates, RNA and lipids, highlighting the brain’s metabolic response to asthma. The remaining gene sets are directly linked to signal transduction (3 gene sets), programmed cell death (2 gene sets), cell cycle (3 gene sets), hemostasis (3 gene sets), gene expression (1 gene set) and cellular response to stimuli (1 gene set). Of interest, 5 gene sets were found to be directly involved in neuronal systems (black arrows).