In vitro development of temperature-stressed soybean microspores. (a–c) Microgametogenesis, denoted by cell enlargement and the presence of starch granules; (d–f) microspore embryogenesis in soybean. (d) Embryogenic microspore with evident cytoskeletal fibers fragmenting the cytoplasm; (e) rapidly dividing pro-embryo; (f) microspore-derived embryo with established polarity; (g,h) pollen mitosis 1 (g) and 2 (h) observed in noninduced microspores; (i–k) cytological markers associated with an embryogenic culture. (i) Symmetrical division during pollen mitosis 1 observed via DAPI staining; (j,k) secretion of intrinsic molecules from nonisodiametric cells into the induction medium, forming a matrix. VC = vegetative cell; GC = generative cell; SC = sperm cell; Sym = symmetrical mitotic division; Asym = asymmetrical mitotic division. (a–c) bars = 15 μm; (d) 5 μm; (e) 100 μm; (f) 1 mm; (g,h) 10 μm; (i,j) 15 μm; (k) 100 μm.