Figure 3. Analysis of Risk Factors of Active or Progressive Disease Courses as Present at Baseline.
(A) Stratification criteria for patient outcome subgroups used in this study. (B) Distribution of patient outcome groups among the 3 age strata. Color scheme from (A) applies as legend for outcome groups. (C, D) We here conducted a multinomial regression model using the outcome type at month 18 as dependent variable. Results are shown as forest plot indicating the odds ratio ±95% CI on a logarithmic scale. Reference categories were “age 50–54” years for age strata, “no DMT at baseline” for DMT, and “0–1” for cardiovascular risk factors. Odds ratios are listed next to the respective covariate. Red numbers indicate covariates selected in the model (p < 0.05). (C) The results for the comparison of active vs stable disease. (D) The results for the comparison of progressive disease vs stable disease. The complete regression model is given in eTable 4. DMT = disease-modifying treatment; PIRA = progression independent of relapse activity; RAW = relapse-associated worsening; T2L = T2-hyperintense MRI lesion.