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[Preprint]. 2024 Jul 3:2024.07.01.24309761. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.07.01.24309761

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics and number of cancer outcomes during follow-up in the total cohort and the full sibling cohort.

Total cohort (N=1 124 049) Full sibling cohort (N=477 453)
Baseline data
Birth year, median (IQR) 1966 (1960 to 1971) 1965 (1961 to 1970)
Age at conscription, mean (SD) 18.3 (0.7) 18.3 (0.7)
Body mass index, kg/m 2
 Median (range) 21.4 (15.0 to 59.2) 21.3 (15.0 to 59.2)
Body mass index categories, n (%)
 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 88 966 (7.9) 37 884 (7.9)
 Normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2) 913 586 (81.3) 390 811 (81.9)
 Overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2) 102 267 (9.1) 41 248 (8.6)
 Obesity (>30.0 kg/m2) 19 230 (1.7) 7510 (1.6)
Cardiorespiratory fitness, Watt max
 Median (range) 271 (100 to 999) 271 (100 to 999)
Watt max by quartiles, median (range)
 Quartile 1 217 (100 to 236) 217 (100 to 236)
 Quartile 2 253 (237 to 270) 253 (237 to 270)
 Quartile 3 290 (271 to 312) 290 (271 to 312)
 Quartile 4 339 (313 to 999) 339 (313 to 999)
Parental level of education, n (%)
 Compulsory school <9 years 319 242 (28.4) 139 246 (29.1)
 Secondary education 505 510 (45.0) 210 246 (44.0)
 Post-secondary education <3 years 123 757 (11.0) 50 210 (10.5)
 Post-secondary education >3 years 175 540 (15.6) 77 751 (16.3)
Parental highest income, n (%)
 Category 1 (low income) 55 055 (4.9) 18 918 (4.0)
 Category 2 108 836 (9.7) 41 820 (8.8)
 Category 3 237 953 (21.2) 101 150 (21.2)
 Category 4 338 444 (30.1) 145 735 (30.5)
 Category 5 (high income) 383 761 (34.1) 169 830 (35.6)
Number of cancer events (median age at event) during follow-up
 Overall cancer diagnosis 98 410 (55.1) 41 293 (54.8)
 Overall cancer mortality 16 789 (55.7) 6908 (55.3)
 Head and neck 4026 (54.1) 1692 (53.7)
 Oesophagus 1178 (57.1) 464 (57.0)
 Lung 3131 (57.4) 1263 (57.1)
 Stomach 1430 (55.4) 599 (55.3)
 Pancreas 2255 (57.2) 943 (57.0)
 Liver, bile ducts, and gallbladder 2246 (57.1) 925 (56.8)
 Colon 5320 (55.1) 2177 (54.8)
 Rectum 3917 (55.7) 1625 (55.6)
 Kidney 2741 (54.6) 1151 (54.5)
 Prostate 24 225 (59.5) 10 042 (59.1)
 Bladder 3490 (56.9) 1432 (56.3)
 Myeloma 1460 (55.8) 580 (55.9)
 Melanoma skin 10 026 (52.5) 4216 (52.5)
 Non-melanoma skin 27 302 (54.5) 11 509 (54.2)

IQR = interquartile range. SD = standard deviation.