Fig. 5. G6PD depletion impairs KL lung tumor lipid metabolism.
a, b GSEA of lipid (a) and fatty acids (b) biosynthetic process for G6pdKO;KL (n = 7 mice) and G6pdWT;KL (n = 8 mice) lung tumors at 12 weeks post-tumor induction based on bulk-tumor mRNA-seq data. c Representative IHC images and quantification of pAMPK and pACC in G6pdWT;K (KrasG12D/+), G6pdWT;KL and G6pdKO;KL lung tumors at 12 weeks post-tumor induction. n = 10 images for each quantification. Scale bar = 100 μm. d Scheme of in vivo D2O infusion to examine tumor de novo fatty acid synthesis (Created with released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license). e, f C16:0 (e) and C18:2 (f) deuterium (2H) labeling fraction in G6pdWT;KL (n = 9 mice) and G6pdKO;KL (n = 8 mice) lung tumors at 12 weeks post-tumor induction. g C16:0 pool size of G6pdWT;KL (n = 9 mice) and G6pdKO;KL (n = 8 mice) lung tumors at 12 weeks post-tumor induction. h, i Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (h) and Heatmap (i) of saponified fatty acids pool size of G6pdWT;KL and G6pdKO;KL lung tumors (n = 5 mice for G6pdWT;KL, n = 4 mice for G6pdKO;KL) and serum (n = 5 mice for G6pdWT;KL, n = 3 mice for G6pdKO;KL) in fasted state at 12 weeks post-tumor induction. j Scheme to examine the impact of high-fat diet (HFD) on KL lung tumorigenesis (Created with released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license). k Representative gross lung pathology from mice bearing G6pdWT;KL (n = 4 mice for 7 weeks in normal diet (ND), n = 5 mice for 7 weeks in HFD, n = 8 mice for 11 weeks in ND, n = 6 mice for 11 weeks in HFD) and G6pdKO;KL (n = 4 mice for 7 weeks in ND, n = 4 mice for 7 weeks in HFD, n = 11 mice for 11 weeks in ND, n = 10 mice for 11 weeks in HFD) lung tumors fed with ND or HFD. Scale bar = 1 cm. l Graph of wet lung weight from (k). m Representative H&E staining of scanned lung sections from (k). n, o Quantification of tumor number (n) and tumor burden (o) from (m). n is same with (k). p Representative IHC images and quantification of Ki67 in G6pdWT;KL (n = 17 images for ND, n = 29 images for HFD) and G6pdKO;KL (n = 17 images for ND, n = 21 images for HFD) lung tumors at 11 weeks post-tumor induction. Scale bar = 100 μm. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, significance was calculated by two-tailed unpaired t-test (g, i), one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test (c, p), two-way ANOVA followed by t-test (l, n, o). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.