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. 2015 Feb 9;2015(2):CD009961. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009961.pub2

7. Bolus infusion vs continuous infusion of rFVIIa in people with haemophilia and inhibitors undergoing surgery ‐ Total dose, duration of treatment, need for additional/alternative therapy and safety (Pruthi 2007).

Outcome measure Bolus infusion
n = 11
Continuous infusion
n = 12
Median duration of therapy, days 10 9
Treatment for > 10 days, number of participants 5 6
Mean total dose of rFVIIa, mg 237.5 292.2
Total number of additional bolus* 9 8
Need for alternative haemostatic therapy 3 3
Serious adverse events^, number of participants 8 7

*greater than the 2 allowed by the protocol in any 24‐hour period; ^as assessed by the investigators, including therapeutic failures.