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. 2024 Jun 25;2:1–33. doi: 10.1162/imag_a_00197

Appendix Fig. A1.

Appendix Fig. A1.

Affine architectures. Detector outputs ReLU-activated feature maps for a single image. We compute their centers of mass (COM) and weights separately for m and f, to fit a transform T that aligns these point sets. A recurrent Encoder estimates refinements to the current transform Ti from moved image mi=mTi and fixed image f . Decomposer predicts a one-shot displacement field (no activation) with corresponding voxel weights (ReLU), that we decompose in a weighted least-squares (WLS) sense to estimate affine transform T. Parentheses specify filter numbers. We LeakyReLU-activate the output of unnamed convolutional blocks (param. α=0.2 ). Stacked convolutional blocks of decreasing size indicate subsampling by a factor of 2 via max pooling following each activation.