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. 2024 Jul 15;20(3):e1421. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1421

Table 3.

Demographics of included studies.

Study Country Study design Describe population Age Sex ‐number of women/girls Sex ‐number of men/boys Overall quality rating
Al‐Sejari (2021) Kuwait Cross sectional General public (n = 1413) Ranged from 18 to 99 years (mean = 39) 69.2% of sample 30.4% of sample Low risk of bias
Al‐Shammary (2021) Saudi Arabia Cross sectional General public (n = 400) Mean 37.6 (10.8) 203 197 Low risk of bias
Al‐Wutayd (2021) Saudi Arabia Cross sectional General public (n = 1323) 30–39: (27%) 645 (49%) female 678 (51%) were males, Unclear risk of bias
Apanga (2021) Ghana Cross sectional Pregnant women (n = 527) M 26 (SD 5.9) 100% 0 Low risk of bias
Barrett (2021) UK Cross sectional UK university students (n = 293) 73.4% 18–25 years; 26.6% over 25 189 100 Low risk of bias
Bogg (2020) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 500) M 45.4, SD 15.78 257 243 Low risk of bias
Bruine de Bruin et al. ( 2020 ) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 6684) Adults 20% 65 or over 3458 52% 48% 3226 Low risk of bias
Bruine de Bruin et al. (2020) US Cross sectional General public (n = 5517) 20% were aged 65 and older not reported 48% male High risk of bias
Callaghan (2021) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 5009) Not reported not reported Not reported Low risk of bias
Cowling et al. (2020) Hong Kong Cross sectional General public (n = 12,965) 18–24: 1371 (13%) 25–34: 1210 (12%) 35–44: 1915 (19%) 61% 6308 39% 4026 Low risk of bias
Dixon et al. (2022) United Kingdom ‐ Scotland Cross sectional General public (n = 2969) 16–24 years old: 273 25–34 years old: 385 35–44 years old: 360 45–54 years old: 540 55–64 years old: 607 65+ years old: 804 1,765 59.6% 1198 40.4% Low risk of bias
Dwipayanti (2021) Indonesia Cross sectional General public (n = 896) M 35 543 (60.60%) 353 (39.40%) Unclear risk of bias
Fujii (2021) Italy, Japan, Korea, USA, China, UK Cross sectional General public (n = 5945) 3045 women 2900 men Unclear risk of bias
Graupensperger (2021) United States Cross sectional Young adult (n = 539) (recruited from university) 19.5 years (SD = 0.8) 58.8% women Not reported High risk of bias
Haliwa et al. (2020) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 353) Mean = 41.47 years, SD = 12.49, range: 19–84 59.8% women Not reported Low risk of bias
Hsing (2021) USA Cross sectional

General public (n = 71,851)

(From US, Mexico, Hong Kong and Taiwan)

18–24 years: n (%)

US 110 (3.6)

Mexico 507 (12.9)

Hong Kong 83 (7.0)

Taiwan 4969 (7.8)

US 1683 (55.0)

Mexico 2031 (51.6)

Hong Kong 602 (50.4)

Taiwan 31,407 (49.6)

US 1351 (44.2)

Mexico 1867 (47.4)

Hong Kong 562 (47.1)

Taiwan 30,034 (47.4)

Unclear risk of bias
Iqbal (2021) Pakistan Cross sectional General public (n = 1789)

18–25 (49.52%)

26–30 (27%)

31–40 (19.01%)

>40 years: (4.47%)

949 (53.05%) 840 (46.95%) High risk of bias
Jang et al. (2020) Korea Cross sectional General public (n = 1,004) 19–29: (17.8%) 50.2% 49.8% Low risk of bias
Jimenez (2020) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 290) M 37.12 (SD 12.03) 122 (40%) 180 (59%) Low risk of bias
Jovančević & Milićević (2020) Serbia/Latin‐America Cross sectional General public (n = 412)

Serbia: (M = 30.34; SD = 9.89)

Latin America (M = 33.51, SD = 11.23)

Serbia (Female = 250) Latin‐America (Female = 95) Serbia (N = 292, Male = 42) Latin‐America (N = 120, Male = 25) Unclear risk of bias
Kebede (2020) Ethiopa Cross sectional Visitors to a medical centre (n = 247) M 30.5 (SD 10.2) 23% 58 77% 189 Unclear risk of bias
Kowalski (2020a) Study 1 Poland Cross sectional General public (n = 507) 44.07 (±14.41) 253 (49.9%) Not reported Low risk of bias
Kowalski (2020b) Study 2 Poland Cross sectional General public (n = 840) 29.94 (±10.39) 607 (72.3%) Not reported Low risk of bias
Lahiri (2021) India Cross sectional General public (n = 2646) aged ≤35 years (43.08%), 998 (37.72%) 1648 (62.28%) High risk of bias
Lao et al. (2023) China Cross sectional Residents in Hubei province (n = 229) M(SD) 25.37(8.34) 141 (61.6%) 88 (38.4%) Low risk of bias
Lee (2020) South Korea, Ethiopia, and Democratic Republic of Congo Cross sectional General public (n = 748) (from South Korea, Ethiopia, and Democratic Republic of Congo) South Korea M = 22.9, SD = 4.7 Ethiopia M = 26, SD = 5.7 Democratic Republic of Congo M = 26.1, SD = 4.2 South Korea female: 215(58.1%) Ethiopia female: 60 (34.3%) Democratic Republic of Congo female: 103(52.6%) South Korea male: 155(42.9%) Ethiopia male: 115(65.7%) Democratic Republic of Congo male: 93(47.4%) High risk of bias
Lee et al. (2021) South Korea Cross sectional General public (n = 970)

M = 47.44

SD = 14.78

499 (51.4%) 471 (48.6%) Unclear risk of bias
Li (2021) USA Cross sectional Student pharmacists (n = 326)

18–26: 258 (79.1%)

27: 68 (20.9%)

242 females (74.2%) 84 males (25.8%) Unclear risk of bias
Matkovic et al. (2021) USA Intervention study General public (n = 344) M = 32.69, SD = 11.60 54.1% 43.9% Unclear risk of bias
Milman (2020) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 408) M 37.24 (SD 10.90) 174 233 Unclear risk of bias
Mousavi et al. (2022) Afghanistan Cross sectional General pubic (n = 450)

17–26 (65.8%)

27–36 (22.9%)

37–46 (8.2%)

47–56 (2.2%)

>57 (0.9%)

138 (28.4%) 322 (71.6%) Unclear risk of bias
Nelson (2021) USA Cross sectional

Employees of Colorado

State University (n = 508)

M 41.1 (SD12.5) 305 (60.0%) 200 (39.4%) Unclear risk of bias
Norman (2020) UK Cross sectional General public (n = 477) M 46.22 (SD 15.20) 243 (50.9%) 234 (49.1%) Low risk of bias
Owhonda (2022) Nigeria Cross sectional General public (n = 1294) M 39.6 (SD 11.9) 584 (45.1%) 710 (54.9%) Unclear risk of bias
Ozdemir et al. (2022) Singapore Cross sectional General public (n = 897) M 42 (SD 12.8) 427 (47.6%) 470 (52.4%) Low risk of bias
Pal et al. (2020) India Cross sectional People with T1 Diabetes (n = 212) M 25.1 (SD 4.3) 52% (111) 48% (101) Unclear risk of bias
Pan (2020) China Cross sectional Factory workers (n =3035)

<30 years of age (1552,


1423 (46.9%) 1612 (53.1%) Low risk of bias
Prete (2020) Italy Cross sectional General public (n = 618) M 38.55 (SD = 15.26) 441 (71.4%) 177 (28.6%) Unclear risk of bias
Qian (2020) China Cross sectional General public (n = 1011) (from Wuhan % Shanghai)

Wuhan: 18–24 89 (21.6%)

Shanghai: 18–24 75 (13.9%)

Not reported

Wuhan: 255 (50.0%)

Shanghai: 255 (48.7)

Low risk of bias
Rattay (2021) Germany Cross sectional General public (n = 27,957)

18–29: 19.1%

30–45: 30.1%

46–60: 28%

>60: 22.8%

51% women n = 14,133 49% men n = 13,824 Unclear risk of bias
Rui (2021) Study 1 China Cross sectional General public (n = 321)

18–30: 55 (17.1%

31–45: 97 (30.2%)

>46: 169 (52.6%)

167 (52%) 154 (48%) Low risk of bias
Rui (2021) Study 2 China Cross sectional General public (n = 319)

18–30: 64 (20.1%)

31–45: 82 (25.7%)

>46:173 (54.2%)

155 (48.6%) 164 (51.4) Low risk of bias
Rui (2021) Study 3 China Cross sectional General public (n = 315)

18–30: 63 (20%)

31–45: 87 (27.6%)

>46: 165 (52.4%)

174 (55.2%) 141 (44.8)
Rui (2021) Study 4 China Cross sectional General public (n = 343)

18–30: 84 (24.5%)

31–45: 110 (32.1%)

>46: 149 (43.4%)

186 (54.2%) 157 (45.8) Low risk of bias
Rui (2021) Study 5 China Cross sectional General public (n = 329)

18–30: 74 (22.5%)

31–45: 86 (26.1%)

>46: 169 (51.4%)

176 (53.5%) 153 (46.5) Low risk of bias
Rui (2021) Study 6 China Cross sectional General public (n = 315)

18–30: 60 (19%)

31–45: 80 (25.4%)

>46: 175 (55.6%)

152 (48.3% 163 (51.7) Low risk of bias
Sengeh (2020) Sierra Leone Cross sectional General public (n = 1,253) 18–39 (58%) 604 (48%) 648 (52%) High risk of bias
Sharma USA Cross sectional University students (n = 713) M 24.61 (SD 8.60) 501 (70.3%) 176 (24.7%) Unclear risk of bias
Shook (2020) USA Cross sectional General public (n = 1,023) M 46.32 (SD 16.57) 514 (50.8%) 497 (49.1%) Unclear risk of bias
Si et al. (2021) US Cross sectional General public (n = 1,019) M 46.33 (SD 16.57) 514 female 497 male Low risk of bias
Souliotis (2021) Greece Cross sectional General public (n = 923) 25–54 (51.4%) 49.2% 50.8% Unclear risk of bias
Stojanovic (2021) Italy Cross sectional General public (n = 1332)

<25: (57%)

26–50 (33.3%)

>51 (9.7%)

899 (68%) 422 (32%) Low risk of bias
Trifiletti (2021) Italy Cross sectional General public (n = 248) M 34.78 (SD 14.76) 176 females 72 males Unclear risk of bias
van den Broek‐Altenburg (2021) Netherlands and Belgium Cross sectional

General public The Netherlands (n = 2637)

General public Flanders (n = 1678)

18–25: 483 (11.19%) 2250 (52.14%) not reported Low risk of bias
Wang (2021) China Cross sectional Pregnant women (n = 15,428) <30 (59.9%) 100% None Low risk of bias
Zewude et al. (2021) Ethiopia Cross sectional People from the urban‐based informal economy (n = 384) M 24.6 (SD 6.87) 161 (42.5%) 218 (57.5%) Low risk of bias