Overexpression of Myc promotes tissue expansion and cell translocation in Drosophila wing discs. (A) Representative wing discs of flies expressing combinations of Myc and p53sh as indicated. Genotypically white (ptc>w) flies served as controls. DAPI staining (red) highlights tissue boundary, GFP signal (green) demarcates transgene expression. Some images rotated for comparison with borders indicated by dashed lines. (B) Maximum projections of confocal z-stacks of the lower half of the wing discs as in shown in the respective images in A, dashed lines indicate the region of virtual sectioning shown in lower inset. (C) Maximum projections (upper three rows) and z-stacks (bottom row) of confocal stacks of the lower half of wing discs such as in A stained with antibodies against Mmp1 antibody (red) or cleaved-caspase (white), both indicative of cell translocation (Rudrapatna et al., 2013); dashed lines indicate the region of virtual sectioning shown in lower inset. Arrowheads in B and C mark delaminating cells. Brightness and contrast were uniformly increased to improve visualization. In A-C, anterior at left, posterior at right, apical at top, basal at bottom. (D) Quantification of transgenic tissue overgrowth in flies expressing Myc and p53sh driven by ptc-Gal4 alone or in combination. Kruskal–Wallis test: P<0.0001. Other P-values: Student's t-tests. (E) Quantification of cell translocation in transgenic tissue produced by flies expressing Myc and p53sh driven by ptc-Gal4 or in combination. Kruskal–Wallis test: P=0.0075. Other P-values: Mann–Whitney test compared to w controls. No significant differences were observed between flies expressing Myc and Myc,p53sh. See also Fig. S2.