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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Jul 15.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Rep. 2024 May 22;43(6):114253. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114253



Rabbit anti-Pck1 ThermoFisher Scientific #720266; RRID: AB_2633227
Rabbit anti-Gsta2 ThermoFisher Scientific #PA5-96757; RRID: AB_2808559
Alexa Goat anti-rabbit IgG 594 ThermoFisher Scientific #A32740; RRID: AB_2762824
Mouse monoclonal anti-human SPI1 ThermoFisher Scientific #H00006688-M02; RRID: AB_913827
Rabbit monoclonal anti-human TREM2 ThermoFisher Scientific #702886; RRID: AB_2762383
Rabbit anti-TREM2 Proteintech #13483-1 - AP; RRID: AB_2605803
HRP-conjugated donkey anti-mouse IgG Bethyl Laboratories #A90-337P; RRID: AB_10631367
HRP- conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG Bethyl Laboratories #A120-208P ; RRID: AB_66770
CD163-AF647 BioLegend #333619; RRID: AB_2563474
Goat anti-LYVE1 R&D Systems # AF2089; RRID: AB_355144
Donkey anti-rabbit-AF555 ThermoFisher Scientific # A32794; RRID: AB_162543
Donkey anti-goat AF488 ThermoFisher Scientific # A32814; RRID: AB_2534102

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

PBS ThermoFisher Scientific #AM9625
BSA Sigma # A1595
4% PFA ThermoFisher Scientific #101176-014
10% formalin VWR #100503-120
0.5% periodic acid solution Sigma #1.00482
Schiff reagent Sigma # 1.09033
Mayer’s hematoxylin Sigma # 51275
5x SSCT ThermoFisher Scientific # 15557044
Opal reagent 570 Akoya Bio # FP1488001KT
Opal reagent 650 Akoya Bio # FP1496001KT
Liberase TH Roche Diagnostics # 5401119001
RPMI-1640 ThermoFisher Scientific # 11875119
ACK lysing buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific # A1049201
CellTrics filter Sysmex America Inc # 04-0042-2316
Humulin N solution Eli Lilly #HI-310

Critical commercial assays

Chromium Single Cell 10x Genomics

Deposited data

Mouse single cell data Current study GEO: GSE205594
Human single cell data Current study Accession: SCP2188

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

C57BL/6 The Jackson Lab IMSR_JAX:000664
129S1 The Jackson Lab IMSR_JAX:002448
BTBR.Cg-Lepob/WiscJ The Jackson Lab IMSR_JAX:004824
C57BL/6N-Trem2em1cyagen Cyagen KOCMP-83433-Trem2-B6NVA

Software and algorithms

Graphpad Prism GraphPad Software
ImageJ ImageJ
Adobe Illustrator Adobe
Preprocessing of single-cell RNAseq sequencing files Cellranger toolkit (v6.0.2), Cellbender (v0.2.0) N/A
Genome references mm10 for mouse, GrCh38 for human N/A
Analysis of single-cell RNAseq data using R packages R (v4.0.3), Seurat (v4.1.1), ggplot2, cowplot, pheatmap, UpsetR, scDblFinder (v1.4.0), Harmony N/A


High-fat diet Envigo TD.93075 dough
Standard chow LabDiet PicoLab Rodent Diet 20 pellets
Glucose meter One-touch UltraMini Lifescan