(A, B, I, M) Microphotographs of the PMv showing pSTAT3-ir following leptin administration. Note lack of pSTAT3-ir in LeprloxTB mouse. (C, D, J, N) Darkfield microphotographs showing Slc17a6 mRNA (silver grains) in the PMv. Note decreased Slc17a6 mRNA expression in LeprloxTB;Vglut2flox mice injected with AAV-Cre. (E, F, K, O) Microphotographs of representative single uterine horns. Note lack of uterine growth in LeprloxTB mouse and in LeprloxTB;Vglut2flox mouse injected with AAV-Cre. (G, H, L, P) Microphotographs of representative ovary sections. Note lack of corpora lutea in LeprloxTB mouse and in LeprloxTB;Vglut2flox mouse injected with AAV-Cre. 3V: third ventricle, Arc: arcuate nucleus, f: fornix, CL: Corpus luteum. Scale bars: 100 µm. (Q) Number of pSTAT3 expressing cells in the PMv in wild-type (n = 5), LeprloxTB (n = 5), AAV-CRE injected LepRloxTB (n = 4), and AAV-CRE injected LeprloxTB;Vglut2flox (n = 3) (F3,13 = 73.53, p < 0.0001). Different capital letters indicate groups that are significantly different to the others (at least p<0.01) (R) Quantification of the Slc17a6 hybridization signal in the PMv AAV-CRE injected LeprloxTB (n = 4), and AAV-CRE injected LeprloxTB;Vglut2flox (n = 6) (t8 = 4.20; p = 0.003). (S) Number of pSTAT3 expressing cells in the Arc (F3,16 = 171.8, p < 0.0001). (T) Number of corpora lutea in the ovary (F3,17 = 31.16, p < 0.0001). **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
Figure 7—source data 1. All data measured and analyzed for Figure 7.