Genetic deletion of Nedd4L alters the proteome of freshly isolated MuSCs
(A) Diagram of the design of the mass spectrometry experiment performed on 200,000 freshly isolated WT and Nedd4L-cKO MuSCs, generated with Mice were pooled to obtain enough MuSCs, n = 7 WT, and 10 knockout mice.
(B) Heatmap of all detected proteins in 200,000 freshly isolated MuSCs from WT and Nedd4L-cKO mice.
(C) Heatmap of the protein levels in WT and Nedd4L-cKO MuSCs for all significantly different proteins (LFC ≥2, p value ≤0.05).
(D) PCA plot of WT and Nedd4L-cKO MuSCs.
(E) Bar graph representing the DCX protein levels from the Mass spec. n = 4; two-tailed t test, data presented as mean ± SD.
(F) IGV tracks of RNA-seq reads for Dcx.
(G) Bar graph of the absolute expression (RPM) of Dcx in WT and Nedd4L-cKO mice. n = 4 male mice; two-tailed t test, data presented as mean ± SD.
(H) Immunofluorescence for DCX and PAX7 in WT MuSCs associated with freshly isolated (0 h) EDL myofibers.
(I) Immunofluorescence for DCX and PAX7 in Nedd4L-cKO MuSCs associated with freshly isolated EDL myofibers.
(J) Bar graph representing the percentage of Dcx+/Pax7+ MuSCs associated to freshly isolated EDL myofibers. n = 4; two-tailed t test, data presented as mean ± SD.