Base case analysis for estimates of cost per QALY from Sheffield model*
Type of multiple sclerosis
Current cost/patient/year (£)†
Estimates of treatment effect from published data
Cost per QALY gained (£)
Relative relapse rate
Relative hazard rate for disability progression
Published data 20 years
Published plus confidential commercial data‡
20 years
10 years
5 years
Intramuscular interferon beta-1-a11 12 | Relapsing-remitting | 9 061 | 0.82 | 0.54 | 48 000 | 106 000 | 618 000 | 783 000 | |
Subcutaneous interferon beta-1-a 22 μg13 | Relapsing-remitting | 9 088 | 0.71 | 0.64 | 59 000 | 59 000 | 325 000 | 511 000 | |
Subcutaneous interferon beta-1-a 44 μg13 | Relapsing-remitting | 12 068 | 0.67 | 0.62 | 79 000 | 79 000 | 406 000 | 638 000 | |
Subcutaneous interferon beta-1-b 8 MIU910 | Relapsing- remitting | 7 259 | 0.71 | 0.71 | 52 000 | 39 000 | 226 000 | 365 000 | |
Subcutaneous interferon beta-1-b 8 MIU15 | Relapsing-remitting, secondary progressive | 7 259 | 0.69 | 0.72 | 41 000 | 43 000 | 230 000 | 380 000 | |
Subcutaneous glatiramer21 22 | Relapsing-remitting | 6 650 | 0.71 | 0.76 | 98 000 | 98 000 | 442 000 | 443 000 |
This assumes that patients are treated according to the Association of British Neurologists criteria for starting and stopping treatment; the mean age of patients at the start of treatment is 30 years; costs are discounted at 6% per year and quality of life benefits at 1.5% per year; 10% of patients will withdraw from treatment during each of the first two years and 3% per year thereafter. The model allows for variation in these assumptions, in the costs and treatment effects shown in the table above and in other factors (costs of multiple sclerosis related disability and relapses, and the utilities associated with various disability states, relapses, and treatment side effects). Some important examples are: (a) if the discount rate for future benefits is increased from 1.5% to 6% annually, the costs per QALY gained roughly double; (b) if the model assumes that nobody stops treatment prematurely, the costs per QALY gained increase further by up to a third.
Costs are those quoted in the NICE and Sheffield reports and used in the cost effectiveness analyses summarised here. Note that for the risk sharing scheme, the Department of Health has stated that the annual costs are interferon beta-1-a £8502, interferon beta-1-a 22 μg £7513, Interferon beta-1-a 44 μg £8942, interferon beta-1-b 8 MIU £7259, glatiramer £5823.
Additional data were available from only Biogen11 12 and Schering.9 10 15 The nature of these data is not clear from the Sheffield report.