Amino acid distribution around Hyps from Physcomitrella proteins. Depicted is the frequency of different AAs located directly before the identified Hyps (a), the AA distribution in AA sequence windows of length 15 centred at the 73 Hyp sites (b) and a two-sample logo illustrating the AAs that were enriched or depleted around Hyps compared to 2773 proline sites not measured to be hydroxylated (c). In (b) and (c) the central Hyps are depicted as O at position 0. The AAs and corresponding bars are coloured by their properties: green = neutral AAs (A, G, H, P, S, T), purple = hydrophobic AAs (C, F, I, L, M, V, W, Y), cyan = hydrophilic AAs (D, E, K, N, Q, R).