Three-dimensional structures of Hyp-containing proteins. Measured Hyps (green) and non-hydroxylated prolines (red) are highlighted in two exemplary structures from secretory proteins not predicted to be HRGPs Pp3c3_14160V3.1 in (a) and Pp3c25_760V3.1 in (b) as well as a chimeric phytocyanin-like AGP Pp3c16_22330V3.1 in (c). All remaining prolines are coloured blue. For these, no definite information about their hydroxylation status could be obtained from the MS data. The Pfam domains for peroxidase PF00141 in (a), pectinesterase PF01095 in (b) and the plastocyanin-like domain PF02298 in (c), respectively, as given by Phytozome (version 13; [32]), are coloured in light brown.