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. 2024 Jul 17;132(7):077003. doi: 10.1289/EHP13588

Table 1.

Characteristics of women in the cognitive function substudy of the US-based nationwide Nurses’ Health Study by quintile of greenness [normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), 1986–1994] at midlife (N=16,962).

Total sample characteristics Total sample (n=16,962) Quintile for greenness
Q1 (n=3,388) IQR: <1.96 Q2 (n=3,400) IQR: 1.96–2.45 Q3 (n=3,387) IQR: 2.46–2.81 Q4 (n=3,394) IQR: 2.81–3.15 Q5 (n=3,393) IQR: >3.15
Age, mean (y) 74.23±2.29 74.61±2.34 74.37±2.31 74.15±2.24 74.06±2.26 73.94±2.25
Participant’s education [n (%)]
 Registered nursing degree 13,166 (77.62) 2,490 (73.49) 2,713 (79.79) 2,703 (79.81) 2,661 (78.40) 2,599 (76.60)
 Bachelor’s degree 2,802 (16.52) 688 (20.15) 507 (14.85) 479 (14.03) 525 (15.38) 603 (17.66)
 Master’s or doctoral degree 994 (5.86) 210 (6.15) 180 (5.27) 205 (6.00) 208 (6.09) 191 (5.59)
Husband’s education [n (%)]
 Less than high school 272 (1.60) 46 (1.36) 62 (1.82) 31 (0.92) 59 (1.73) 74 (2.18)
 Some high school 871 (5.14) 176 (5.16) 186 (5.45) 169 (4.95) 162 (4.75) 178 (5.21)
 High school graduate 5,840 (34.43) 1,174 (34.39) 1,211 (35.47) 1,229 (36.00) 1,112 (32.57) 1,114 (32.63)
 College graduate 3,762 (22.18) 723 (21.18) 732 (21.44) 747 (21.88) 820 (24.02) 740 (21.68)
 Graduate school 2,733 (16.11) 549 (16.08) 473 (13.85) 522 (15.29) 589 (17.25) 600 (17.57)
 Missing [n (%)] 3,484 720 736 689 652 687
Marital status, married [n (%)]
 Yes 12,072 (71.17) 2,354 (68.95) 2,345 (68.69) 2,400 (70.30) 2,518 (73.76) 2,455 (71.91)
 No 4,890 (28.83) 1,034 (30.51) 1,055 (31.02) 987 (29.14) 876 (25.81) 938 (27.64)
Low mental health score [n (%)]
 Yes 654 (3.86) 132 (3.87) 139 (4.07) 131 (3.84) 133 (3.90) 119 (3.49)
 No 16,308 (96.14) 3,256 (96.10) 3,261 (95.91) 3,256 (96.13) 3,261 (96.08) 3,274 (96.49)
Antidepressant use [n (%)]
 Yes 968 (5.71) 201 (5.89) 216 (6.33) 175 (5.13) 201 (5.89) 175 (5.13)
 No 15,994 (94.29) 3,187 (94.06) 3,184 (93.64) 3,212 (94.83) 3,193 (94.07) 3,218 (94.84)
Physical activity, mean (MET-h/wk) 16.08±16.20 15.95±16.69 15.88±16.33 15.44±15.23 16.13±16.1 17.02±16.57
BMI (kg/m2) [n (%)]
<22 3,217 (18.96) 683 (20.17) 608 (17.88) 657 (19.39) 620 (18.26) 649 (19.13)
 22–24.9 4,286 (25.27) 885 (26.14) 819 (24.09) 833 (24.58) 850 (25.04) 899 (26.50)
 25–29.9 6,503 (38.34) 1,274 (37.63) 1,374 (40.41) 1,308 (38.60) 1,296 (38.17) 1,251 (36.87)
30 2,957 (17.43) 544 (16.07) 599 (17.62) 591 (17.44) 629 (18.53) 594 (17.51)
APOE-ɛ4 carriers (at least one allele) [n (%)]
 Yes 1,942 (11.45) 327 (9.58) 403 (11.80) 394 (11.54) 395 (11.57) 423 (12.39)
 No 15,020 (88.55) 3,061 (90.34) 2,997 (88.14) 2,993 (88.36) 2,999 (88.36) 2,970 (87.53)
US Census tract median income 43,787±15,949 42,731±16,452 40,855±15,076 42,533±13,846 45,131±15,259 47,718±17,990
US Census tract home value 125,122±85,882 159,422±113,200 108,961±78,522 106,758±62,517 116,947±70,061 133,738±84,842
Population density (n/km2) 1,302.87±2,790.52 2,748±5,320 1,497±2,053 1,100±1,021 790±1,374 392±524
Average global cognition composite score over follow-up 0.02±0.59 0.07±0.61 0.06±0.6 0.01±0.58 0±0.58 0.02±0.57

Note: Values are expressed as mean±SD, unless otherwise specified. Quintiles of greenness are based on cumulative average summer NDVI value at a 270-m buffer. APOE, apolipoprotein E; BMI, body mass index; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; Q, quintile; SD, standard deviation.