Figure 4. Timeline for the ZIKV reinfection study.
Two cohorts of animals were used in this study: the first comprised offspring born to dams that were not infected with ZIKV during pregnancy (15-month-old M2I and two additional two-year-old animals, C1 and C2), and the second cohort comprised the four 13–15-month-old offspring (E2I, E3I, L2I, L3I) born to dams that were infected with ZIKV while pregnant. All seven macaques were inoculated with the same strain and dose of ZIKV used for the primary infection (green triangle). Blood samples were taken at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 12 days after inoculation (blue triangles). Cerebrospinal fluid was collected on days −14 (2 weeks before reinfection), 3 and 7 days after reinfection and at necropsy (blue triangles). Necropsies were performed 14–16 days after ZIKV reinfection. M, a macaque infant born to a dam mock-infected while pregnant; E, macaque infants born to dams infected with ZIKV during early gestation; L, macaque infants born to dams infected with ZIKV during late gestation; I, infant offspring.