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. 2024 Jul 17;24:292. doi: 10.1186/s12886-024-03541-3

Table 2.

Clinical features obtained from the medical records (MR) from the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) and the telephone survey (TS)

No. Clinical features obtained from MR at LRH
Variable Frequency
1. Family history of RB
Total sample ( N  = 171; 100%)
Yes 005 (02.9%)
No 166 (97.1%)
Unilateral ( N  = 120; 70.2%)
Yes 001 (00.8%)
No 119 (99.2%)
Bilateral ( N  = 51; 29.8%)
Yes 04 (07.8%)
No 47 (92.2%)
2. Age (months) of RB patients when symptom/sign was first observed ( N  = 90; 100%)
00–06 23 (25.5%)
07–12 24 (26.7%)
13–18 15 (16.7%)
19–24 07 (07.8%)
25–30 07 (07.8%)
31–36 02 (02.2%)
≥ 37 12 (13.3%)
3. Symptoms/signs at first presentation ( N  = 171; 100%)
Leukocoria 98 (57.3%)
Strabismus 28 (16.4%)
Leukocoria and strabismus 25 (14.6%)
Others* 08 (04.8%)
Missing data 12 (07.0%)
4. Duration (weeks) between first observing symptom/sign & first attendance at tertiary care unit ( N  = 90; 100%)
≤ 01 31 (34.4%)
> 01–04 07 (07.8%)
05–08 20 (22.2%)
09–12 04 (04.4%)
≥ 13 28 (31.1%)
5. Clinical staging of disease
a. Total group ( N  = 171; 100%)
Group A 002 (01.2%)
Group B 015 (08.8%)
Group C 003 (01.7%)
Group D 044 (25.7%)
Group E 107 (62.6%)
b. Unilateral ( N  = 120; 70.2%)
Group A 02 (01.7%)
Group B 11 (09.2%)
Group C 03 (02.5%)
Group D 35 (29.2%)
Group E 69 (57.5%)
c. Bilateral ( N  = 51; 29.8%)
i. First eye
Group A 00 (00.0%)
Group B 04 (07.8%)
Group C 00 (00.0%)
Group D 09 (17.6%)
Group E 38 (74.5%)
ii. Second eye
Group A 12 (23.5%)
Group B 11 (21.6%)
Group C 01 (02.0%)
Group D 27 (52.9%)
Group E 00 (00.0%)
6. Parental consanguinity ( N  = 171)
Yes 020 (11.7%)
No 151 (88.3%)
7. Undergone enucleation
a. Total sample (171; 100%)
Yes 121 (70.8%)
No 050 (29.2%)
b. Unilateral ( N  = 120)
Yes 83 (69.2%)
No 37 (30.8%)
c. Bilateral ( N  = 51)
Yes 38 (74.5%)
No 13 (25.5%)
8. Modalities of RB therapy ( N  = 171; 100%)
Primary enucleation 46 (26.9%)
Secondary enucleation 75 (43.9%)
Ocular salvage therapy 50 (29.2%)
9. Mortality ( N  = 171; 100%)
Yes 002 (01.2%)
No 168 (98.2%)

*Others (Symptoms at first referral) include visual inattention, upper lid lump, red eye, hazy cornea, total retinal detachment, glaucoma, uveitis, proptosis, large eye ball, white reflex and hyphema)