layer structure of organic liquids on hydrophobic silica
surfaces. (a) 2D force maps (x, z) of a hydrophobic silica–heptane interface. (b) Force–distance
curves obtained from the rectangle marked in panel (a). (c) 2D force
maps (x, z) of a hydrophobic silica–pentadecane
interface. (d) Force–distance curves obtained from panel (c).
(e) Histogram of d1 and d2 distances measured on hydrophobic silica surfaces in
heptane. (f) Histogram of d1 and d2 distances measured on hydrophobic silica surfaces
in pentadecane. The average force–distance curve is highlighted
in blue in (b) and (d). Individual force–distance curves are
plotted in gray in (b) and (d). Experimental parameters for heptane
(pentadecane): f = 590,776 (476,235) kHz, k = 8.2 N m–1, Q = 5.4
(4.6), A0 = 100 pm, and Asp = 60 pm.