FIG. 2.
Permissivity of TCF and TCF.CD46 cells to MV infection. (A) Expression of CD46 by TCF and TCF.CD46 cells determined by flow cytometry. TCF and TCF.CD46 cells were infected with four different MV strains at an MOI of 1. At 4 days p.i., the expression of H at the cell surface (white histograms) was determined by flow cytometry. The arrow represents the beginning of the gate where cells are considered positive compared to the noninfected cells (black histograms). (B) MV Tag strain derived from Edmonston B strain. (C) MV Hallé strain. (D) MV Ma93F strain. (E) MV Schwarz strain. (F) Production of infectious particles 4 days p.i. by TCF and TCF.CD46 cells. Total infectious particles (black bars) and infectious particles released in the supernatant only (white bars) are represented.