Table 1.
Sex (M/F) | 9/3 |
Age (years) | 53.1(5.3) |
Race (Caucasian/African American/Other) | 1/11/0 |
Education (years in school) | 12.8 ± 1.8 |
Depression (BDI) | 11.9 ± 10.5 |
Anxiety (STAI total) | 76.9 ± 23.0 |
Age of onset cocaine use (years) | 24.4 ± 27.3 |
Age of regular cocaine use (years) | 27.1 ± 26.3 |
Years of regular cocaine use (years) | 18.6 ± 9.3 |
Frequency of yearly cocaine use (days per year) | 60 (19.5–162)* |
Grams of cocaine use per day in past year | 4.2 ± 4.7 |
Dollars spent per day in past year | 138.8 ± 67.4 |
Duration of cocaine abstinence (days) | 24.3 ± 24.9 |
Cocaine Withdrawal (CSSA) | 17.0 ± 13.5 |
Cocaine Craving (CQ) | 16.5 ± 9.0 |
Perceived Stress (PSS) | 21.1 ± 5.8 |
Mean rating of drug minus neutral visual cues (cue craving) | 2.67 ± 2.19 |
Data presented in mean ± standard deviation
median (interquartile range)
BDI: Beck Depression Inventory
CSSA: Cocaine Selective Severity Assessment
PSS: Perceived Stress Scale
STAI:State Trait Anxiety Inventory
CQ: Cocaine Craving Questionnaire