Differential gene expression analysis in iGLUTs exposed to 1000nM hCort, 60ng/uL IL-6, or 500 UI/mL IFNa-2b (compared to vehicle) revealed unique and shared effects on the transcriptome. (A) 1000nM hCort resulted in transcriptomic-wide dysregulation, while the effects of 60ng/mL IL-6 produced moderate downregulation of few genes, and IFNa-2b resulted in strong upregulation of select immune-related genes. (B) Overlapping (i) significant (FDR<0.05) and (ii) nominally significant (unadjusted p-value<0.05) DEGs by cue. (C) Signed pathway enrichment of cue-specific transcriptomic dysregulation (DEGs; unadjusted p-value<0.05) (Supplemental Data 2). (D-F) Gene expression changes in the mouse amygdala, frontal cortex, and whole brain following Poly(I∣C), IL6, or H1N1-induced MIA significantly correlated with transcriptomic signatures of IL-6 and hCort. (i) Heatmap of log2FC across shared genes. (ii) Pearson’s correlation of log2FC across cue-exposures and MIA-induced mouse brain DEGs (# = FDR<0.08; * = FDR<0.05; ** = FDR<0.01; *** = FDR<0.001). (iii) Overlap of nominal significantly different DEGs and MIA-induced mouse brain DEGs (G) Enrichment of cue-specific dysregulation (DEGs; unadjusted p-value<0.05) for MIA-induced fetal brain DEGs across MIA rodent models. (H) Enrichment of cue-specific transcriptomic dysregulation (DEGs; unadjusted p-value<0.05) for GWAS risk genes across psychiatric, neurological, and immune traits. # = FDR<0.08; * = FDR<0.05; ** = FDR<0.01; *** = FDR<0.001. (I) Differential peak accessibility analysis in iGLUTs exposed to 1000nM hCort, 60ng/uL IL-6, or 500 UI/mL IFNa-2b (compared to vehicle) showed significant decreases in chromatin accessibility following exposure to IL-6. (J) Dose-dependent impact of exposure of hCort, IL-6, and IFNa-2b on early (D7) neurite outgrowth in iGLUTs. (i-iii) Exposure of 1000nM and 2500nM hCort significantly decreased early neurite outgrowth while exposure to (K) (i-iii) 100 UI/mL and 500 UI/mL IFNa-2b increased neurite outgrowth, relative to vehicle control conditions. N = minimum of 2 independent experiments across 2 donor lines with 12 technical replicates per condition and 9 images analyzed per replicate. One way ANOVA with post-hoc Bonferroni multiple comparisons test. * = p<0.05; ** = p<0.01; *** = p<0.001; **** = p<0.0001.