Extended Data Fig. 3. CryoEM analysis of vPRC1:NucH2Aub1.
(a) Processing scheme, also described in Methods. Two final reconstructions were obtained in this study: overall vPRC1:NucH2Aub1 map and one side vPRC1:NucH2Aub1 map from focusing refinement on one surface of the nucleosome disc (mask indicated in green). The two refined maps were further post-processed with a b-factor of −60 Å2 and with DeepEMhancer. (b) Local resolution estimation of the final one side density DeepEMhancer map; RYBP/H2A acidic patch interference is highlighted showing a ~ 3.5 A resolution with colors ranging from blue (high resolution) to red (low resolution). (c) Corresponding gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (GSFSC) curves, as well as spherical distribution plot obtained from CryoSPARC (each bar has a height and color indicative of the number of particles (increasing from blue to red) in a defined orientation. (d) Representative regions of the DeepEMhancer density map for the nucleosome components (histones and DNA). DNA is in gray while histones are in pink. (e) Representative regions of the DeepEMhancer density map for the interfaces involving RYBP interactions with the H2A acidic patch. H2A is in pink while RYBP in blue.