FIG. 2.
(A) Processing scheme of the EAV replicase ORF1ab protein. The grey, white, and black triangles depict the cleavage sites of the ORF1a-encoded papainlike nsp1 cysteine protease (P), the nsp2 cysteine protease (CP), and the nsp4 serine protease (SP), respectively. The other boxes represent the polymerase domain (POL), the helicase domain (HEL), a putative metal-binding domain (M), and a C-terminal domain conserved in all nidoviruses (C). Also indicated are the nomenclature for the nsps, the location of Ser-2429 in nsp10, and the approximate positions of the epitopes for the anti-nsp7-8 and anti-nsp10 antisera. (B) Immunoprecipitation analysis of cells infected with EAV (lanes I), cells transfected with EAV030F (lanes F) or EAV030H (lanes H), or mock-transfected cells (lanes M). Cells were labeled from 6 to 8, 8 to 10, or 10 to 12 h. The results of the immunoprecipitation analysis using antisera directed against nsp10 (anti-nsp10) and nsp7-8 (anti-nsp7-8; see panel A) are shown.