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. 2024 Jul 19;4(7):e0003509. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003509

Table 1. Questionnaire for all patients.

Question Answer No. of patients Category names for MCA No. of patients Abbreviation (for MCA)
A. Baseline information
A-1. Age Above 60 years 32 Above 60 years 32 ag_a
60 years or less 70 60 years or less 70 ag_l
A-2. Gender Female 39 Female 39 f
Male 63 Male 63 m
A-3. Ethnicity [1] Dalit 1 Others
36 et_n
Disadvantaged non-Dalit Terai caste groups 1
Religious minorities 1
Relatively advantaged Janajati 27
Upper caste groups 66 Upper 66 et_y
A-4. Religion Hindu 95 Hindu 95 re_h
Buddhist 5 Others 7 re_o
Muslim 0
Christian 1
Others 1
A-5. Education qualification Higher education 7 Higher and
21 ed_h
Secondary 14
Primary 35 Primary, Able, and Illiterate 81 ed_p
Able 23
Illiterate 23
A-6. Occupation Professional 8 Others 73 oc_o
Technical 6
Managerial Clerical Sales 3
Skilled 9
Unskilled 47
Agriculture 29 Agriculture 29 oc_a
A-7. Diabetes Diabetes_Yes 81 Diabetes_Yes 81 Di_d
Diabetes_No 21 Diabetes_No 21 Di_n
A-8. Hypertension Hypertension_Yes 51 Hypertension_Yes 51 Hy_h
Hypertension_No 51 Hypertension_No 51 Hy_n
B. Self-perceived difficulty
B-1. Are you currently taking medicines for chronic conditions? Yes 94 Not used in MCA
No 8 Not used in MCA
B-2. How difficult was it for you to obtain your medication owing to the COVID-19 pandemic or social distancing rules? Unable or very difficult 3 Yes 31 dm_y
Very 14
Slightly 14
No 63 No 71 dm_n
Answered “No” to question B-1 8
B-3. How difficult was it for you to access routine medical care that you need owing to the COVID-19 pandemic or social distancing rules? Difficulty 17 Yes 60 dc_y
Very 15
Slightly 28
None 42 No 42 dc_n
C. Precautionary behavior regarding COVID-19
Which of the following actions have you taken in the last several days to keep yourself safe from COVID-19 (in addition to those you normally do)? (Select all that apply)
C-1. Worn a face mask Yes 92 Yes 92 Fa_y
No 10 No 10 Fa_n
C-2. Washed/sanitized hands Yes 92 Yes 92 Sa_y
No 10 No 10 Sa_n
C-3. Avoided public places/ crowds Yes 88 Yes 88 Ac_y
No 14 No 14 Ac_n
C-4. Avoided in-person contact with high-risk people Yes 28 Yes 28 Ap_y
No 74 No 74 Ap_n
C-5. Canceled a doctor’s appointment Yes 21 Yes 21 Cd_y
No 81 No 81 Cd_n
C-6. Avoided in-person contact with friends or family Yes 19 Yes 19 Af_y
No 83 No 83 Af_n
C-7. Canceled/postponed travel Yes 13 Yes 13 CT_y
No 89 No 89 CT_n
C-8. Stockpiled food/water Yes 12 Yes 12 St_y
No 90 No 90 St_n
C-9. Prayed Yes 10 Yes 10 Pr_y
No 92 No 92 Pr_n
C-10. Visited a doctor in person Yes 9 Yes 9 Vi_y
No 93 No 93 Vi_n
C-11. Isolated myself from others who live with me Yes 8 Yes 8 Is_y
No 94 No 94 Is_n
C-12. Had a “telehealth visit” with a doctor or other healthcare provider Yes 8 Yes 8 Te_y
No 94 No 94 Te_n
C-13. Worked or studied at home Yes 5 Yes 5 Ho_y
No 97 No 97 Ho_n
C-14. Canceled/postponed work or school activities Yes 4 Yes 4 Ca_y
No 98 No 98 Ca_n
D. Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
D-1. How concerned are you
about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Very concerned 25 Yes 60 co_y
Somewhat 35
Not at all 42 No 42 co_nt
D-2. While watching the news and listening to stories on COVID-19 via social media, I become nervous or anxious. Strongly agree 14 Agree 38 ne_a
Agree 24
Neither agree nor disagree 29 Not agree (Included Neither agree nor disagree) 64 ne_n
Disagree 31
Strongly disagree 4
E. Lifestyle behavior changes
E-1. Compared with the months before the outbreak began, how frequently did your communication with close friends and family change? I communicate with them less often than before. 64 Less 64 fr_l
I communicate with them about the same as before. 30 Not less 38 fr_n
I communicate with them more often than before. 8
E-2. How often has your sleep been interrupted or disturbed because of your concerns about the outbreak of COVID-19? Not at all 86 No 86 sl_n
Somewhat 11 Yes 16 sl_y
A lot 5
E-3. Do you smoke? Yes 13 Yes 13 sm_y
No 89 No 89 sm_n
E-4. Do you drink alcohol? Yes 10 Yes 10 dr_y
No 92 No 92 dr_n
E-5. Before this outbreak, were you doing physical (light or rigorous) activity? Yes 57 Yes 57 ph_y
No 45 No 45 ph_n