Stable transgenic complementation lines in the Arabidopsis efr-1 background were generated and physiological experiments conducted in the T3 generation (except for EFRF761H /Y836F#5, which is a double insertion line in T2 generation). (A) In the oxidative burst assay, EFR F761H restored oxidative burst in EFRF761H/Y836F and EFRF761H/SSAA complementation lines. Two independent experiments were merged into one graph as WT controls showed comparable total oxidative burst. A third independent experiment was performed with similar results. Outliers are indicated by an additional asterisk and included in statistical analysis. Statistical test: Kruskal-Wallis test (p<2.2*10–16), Dunn’s post-hoc test with Benjamin-Hochberg correction (p ≤ 0.05) Groups with like letter designations are not statistically different. Like oxidative burst assays, EFR F761H restored SGI (B) and MAPK activation (C) in EFRF761H/Y836F and EFRF761H/SSAA complementation lines. For SGI assays, four independent experiments wtih 5 nM elf18 treatment are shown. Outliers are indicated by an additional asterisk and included in statistical analysis. Statistical test: Kruskal-Wallis test (p<2.2 *10–16), Dunn’s post-hoc test with Benjamin-Hochberg correction (p ≤ 0.05) Groups with like letter designations are not statistically different. For MAPK activation assays, a representative experiment is shown. Similar results were obtained in three more experiments.