A) Quantification of the time until the oxidative burst reaches its half maximum from experiments presented in
Figure 2B. Both putative activating mutations, F761H and F761M accelerate the onset of the oxidative burst. (
B) Time resolved oxidative burst assay. Presented curves are from replicate number three as a representative example. Graphs in A and B are based on data presented in
Figure 2B. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (n=4). (
C) EFR F761H requires the catalytic activity of BAK1 to induce the oxidative burst. Data from three independent experiments is merged in one graph. (
D) Protein accumulation of the RiD-tagged protein related to panel C. Statistical analysis in A and C: Outliers are indicated by an additional asterisk and included in statistical analysis. Statistical test: Kruskal-Wallis test (p=1.686*10
–8 in A, p=5.89910
–8 in C), Dunn’s post-hoc test with Benjamin-Hochberg correction (p ≤ 0.05) Groups with like letter designations are not statistically different.