aIn all, 25 unique studies were included in this review: 24 that evaluated assessed a single type of ICP and 1 that assessed both PACE and FIDE-SNPs. For our review, we counted the latter study twice (1 set of findings for each program), producing 26 evaluations: 5 of PACE programs, 13 of MMPs, and 8 of FIDE-SNPs and similar managed care models. For 3 of the MMP evaluations, updated reports were published in December 2023, after our initial screening and data extraction was concluded. We incorporated updated findings from these latest evaluations to reflect the most recent set of reported results.
ASPE indicates the US Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation; CMS, the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; FAI, Financial Alignment Initiative; FIDE-SNPs, Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans; ICP, integrated care plan; MMPs, Medicare-Medicaid Plans; and PACE, Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.