(A) LocusZoom plot shows that rs12610495 is not the lead mQTL nor in LD with the lead mQTL (rs10420225; urple diamond) for cg07317664 in controls in the Borie et al. dataset.
(B) rs12610495 is a top mQTL and in LD with the lead mQTL (rs2277732) for cg07317664 in IPF cases.
(C) Comparison of −log10(p-values) from the IPF GWAS and cg07317664-mQTLs in controls shows rs12610495 as a top shared SNP.
(D) Comparison of −log10(p-values) from the IPF GWAS and cg07317664-mQTLs in IPF cases shows rs12610495 as the lead shared SNP.
(E) COLOC does not support colocalization between the disease GWAS and cg07317664-mQTL signals in controls with PP4 < 0.700.
(F) COLOC indicates colocalization between the disease GWAS and cg07317664-mQTL signals in cases with PP4 > 0.700.
(G) Box plot for normalized methylation beta in controls by genotype.
(H) Normalized methylation beta in IPF cases by genotype.
P-values in LocusZoom plots are −log10 transformed. Linkage disequilibrium information for European populations was obtained from LDlink and is relative to the top variant in each plot. Slopes and p-values for genotype methylation beta boxplots were obtained through linear regression modeling.