Table 1.
Indicators, definitions, and weighting details for evaluating scientific contribution of scientists.
Indicators | Definitions |
Number of publications | The number of publications in One Health of each scientist. |
Publication types | Each publication was weighted according to its publication type, including article (1), review (0.8), book (1), book chapter (0.5), editorial (0.8), letter (0.3), short survey (0.5), note (0.2), and conference paper (0.2). |
Author contribution | The reciprocal of author sequence. Contribution for the corresponding author was set to 1 regardless of their sequence in the publication. |
Citation | Total number of citations received in September 2022. |
Journal impact | The weight of journal impact was assigned to each journal based on the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator released in 2022, which compared journals within their thematic areas respectively, ranking from Q1 (highest) to Q4 (lowest) [17]. The SJR indicators were transformed to numeric weights as Q1 = 1, Q2 = 0.75, Q3 = 0.5 and Q4 = 0.25. Since there was no authoritative indicator to evaluate the impact of book or book chapter, we assumed a weight of 1 for them. |