A) Feeding amount of L2 controls, L3 raised on regular (ctrl) food, and L3 raised on low sugar (L.S.) food at CT1 and CT13. (
B, C) Sleep bout number (
B) and bout length (
C) at CT1 and CT13 in L3 raised on regular (ctrl) and L.S. food. (
D) Total body weight of early L3 (in groups of 5) raised on ctrl or L.S. food. (
E) Total body length of early L3 raised on ctrl or L.S. food. (
F) Developmental analysis of time to pupal formation of animals raised on ctrl or L.S. food. (
G–I) Naïve OCT, AM, and quinine preference in L3 raised on ctrl and L.S. food. (
B-C) n=29–34 larvae; (
D) n=30 larvae per food condition; (
E) n=33–40 larvae; (
F) n=100–170 larvae; (
G-I) n=6 PREFs (180 larvae) per genotype. Two-way ANOVAs followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison test (
B–C) Unpaired two-tailed Student’s
t-tests (
D–E) and (
G–I). Source data in
Figure 1—figure supplement 1—source data 1.