Impact of maternal HFD on rhythmic liver gene expression
(A) Hepatic circadian clock genes show an unaltered temporal expression profile under maternal HFD, with most genes assigned to model 4.
(B) Model distribution percentage of genes in model 1–5. Different color indicates the corresponding model as shown in (A).
(C) Heatmap for rhythmic genes in 4-week-old offspring (left) and 16-week-old offspring (right). Standardized relative gene expression is indicated in blue (low) and yellow (high). White and black bars indicate light conditions. Different color indicates the corresponding model as shown in (A).
(D and E) Enrichment of GO biological process for genes in model 3 in 4-week-old offspring (D) and in model 2 in 16-week-old offspring (E). N = 2–3 mice (from different litters) per group. Ctr: maternal control diet (black); HFD: maternal high-fat diet (red).