Figure 5.
Performance of 18–20-month old Dp1Tyb, Dp(17)3Yey, and Dp(10)2Yey male mice in recognition memory tasks. (A–C) Mean ± SEM contact times per single object (left) and discrimination ratios (right) of 18–20-month-old Dp1Tyb, Dp(17)3Yey, and Dp(10)2Yey mice and WT controls during the test phase of the recognition memory tasks as described in Figure 4. Discrimination ratios above 0.5 (gray horizontal lines) indicate above chance preference for novelty (one sample t-test, ∆p < 0.05). Mutant Dp1Tyb mice spent less time with the novel object in the NOR task (A) compared to WT littermates (two-way ANOVA, **p < 0.01). Mutant Dp(10)2Yey mice showed a lower discrimination ratio in the NOR task compared to their WT littermates (Student’s t-test, *p < 0.05). For NOR and Loc task: Dp1Tyb: n = 9 WT, 6 Dp1Tyb; Dp(17)3Yey: n = 9 WT, 12 Dp(17)3Yey; Dp(10)2Yey: n = 9 WT, 11 Dp(10)2Yey. For OiP task: Dp(17)3Yey: n = 8 WT, 12 Dp(17)3Yey.