Study name | Concurrent arm (con) versus nonconcurrent (non‐C) arm (N) a | Hormone receptor positive/total (%) | Cumulative dose of epirubicin (mg/m2) | T > 2 cm (%) | Node + (%) | UCG schedule | Definition of adverse cardiac events (ACE) | ACE rate | pCR rate |
Buzdar MDACC 2005 24 |
Con: TH(4) → FECH(4) Non‐C: T(4) → FEC(4) |
24/42 (57.14%) |
300 300 |
91.3% 89.47% |
56.52% 63.16% |
Baseline, Q3M until the end of FEC | LVEF decrease >10% |
30.43% 26.32% |
66% 25% |
CHER‐LOB 34 , 35 |
Con: wT(L)H(12) → FEC(L)H(4) Non‐C: wTL(12) → FECL(4) |
73/121 (60.33%) |
300 300 |
100% 100% |
Baseline, Q12W, completion | LVSD (CTCAE 3.0) > gr 1 |
1.22% 0% |
37% 26% |
GeparQuinto GBG 44 36 , 37 |
Con: ECH(4) → DH(4) Non‐C: ECL(4) → DL(4) |
341/615 (55.45%) |
360 360 |
64.17% 65.58% |
68.08% 67.53% |
Baseline, Q4W, completion | Heart failure (CTCAE 4.03) |
0.33% 2.27% |
30% 23% |
TRYPHAENA 28 , 31 , b , c |
Con: FECPH(3) → DPH(3) Non‐C: FEC(3) → DPH(3) |
74/148 (50.00%) |
300 300 |
100% 100% |
73.97% 65.33% |
Baseline, Q6W, completion, Q6M for 2 years, and then QY for 2 years | All‐grade LVSD (CTCAE 3.0) |
9.59% 13.33% |
51% 28% |
TRYPHAENA 28 , 31 , b , c |
Con: FECPH(3) → DPH(3) Non‐C: DCarboPH(6) |
79/150 (52.67%) |
300 0 |
100% 100% |
73.97% 68.83% |
Baseline, Q6W, completion, Q6M for 2 years, and then QY for 2 years | All‐grade LVSD (CTCAE 3.0) |
9.59% 10.39% |
51% 40% |
ACOSOG Z1041 27 , 38 |
Con: wTH(12) → FECH(4) Non‐C: FEC(4) → wTH(12) |
168/280 (60.00%) |
300 300 |
92.96% 94.20% |
63.38% 64.49% |
Baseline, Q12W, Q24W | LVSD (CTCAE 3.0) |
8.45% 3.62% |
51% 51% |
EORTC 10054 29 |
Con: DH(3) → FECH(3) Non‐C: DL(3) → FECL(3) |
42/76 (55.26%) |
300 300 |
100% 95.65% |
67.92% 69.57% |
Baseline, Q4W, completion | Absolute drop ≥15% in LVEF from baseline |
0% 0% |
51% 35% |
TRAIN‐2 32 , 39 , c |
Con: FECPH(3) → TCarboPH(6) Non‐C: TCarboPH(9) |
255/438 (58.22%) |
270 0 |
62.56% 65.30% |
Baseline, Q3M | LVEF decline of 10% or more AND LVEF <50% |
8.68% 3.20% |
64% 64% |
Abbreviations: Con, concurrent arm; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVSD, left ventricular systolic dysfunction; non‐C, nonconcurrent arm; NR, not reported; Q12W, every 12 weeks; Q3M, every 3 months; QY, annually; UCG, echocardiography.
Regimen abbreviations: T(H) paclitaxel (+ herceptin), FEC(H) fluorouracil + epirubicin + cyclophosphamide (+ herceptin), wT(L)H weekly paclitaxel + herceptin (+ lapatinib), D(H) docetaxel (+ herceptin), FECPH fluorouracil + epirubicin + cyclophosphamide + pertuzumab + herceptin, DPH docetaxel + pertuzumab + herceptin, DCarboPH docetaxel + carboplatin + pertuzumab + herceptin, TCarboPH paclitaxel + carboplatin + pertuzumab + herceptin.
TRYPHAENA was divided into two groups: concurrent arm versus nonconcurrent arm and concurrent arm versus non‐anthracycline arm.
The control arm of TRYPHAENA and TRAIN‐2 were anthracycline‐free regimens, which were considered of less cardiotoxicity.