MAGEL2 WT and p.Gln666Profs∗47 show high affinity for proteins involved in RNA metabolism and chromosome condensation
(A) Fusion-protein constructs for BioID.
(B–D) Analyses were carried out for proteins identified in at least two of three replicates per experiment.
(B) Combined Venn diagram interaction partners of MAGEL2 WT and p.Gln666Profs∗47 identified by BioID and GFP-CoIP.
(C) Protein-protein association networks (gene names are depicted)72 of the 36 common interaction partners identified in (B), colored by the top 5 biological processes in (D).
(D) Top 5 hits by combined score60 of gene enrichment analysis employing enrichR for biological processes (2023) in either BioID or GFP-CoIP. Only GO terms with an adjusted p value <0.05 were included.