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. 1999 Jul 31;319(7205):298–301. doi: 10.1136/bmj.319.7205.298


Pros and cons of near patient testing

Advantages Disadvantages
More appropriate prescribing and targeted vaccination Misuse or misinterpretation of test result (especially if used in the home)—Such as accusations of  infidelity, adoption of inappropriate self administered remedies, deliberate infection of others
Rapid instigation of infection control measures and appropriate treatment Potential loss of epidemiological data
Decreased dependency of remote areas on distant diagnostic facilities Less opportunity for large scale automation
Rapid diagnosis, alleviating unnecessary anxiety Inadequate discussion or counselling
Reduced burden on microbiology laboratories Increased burden on microbiology laboratories (from demands for confirmatory tests)
Decreased overall cost of health care (more appropriate prescribing, fewer laboratory tests) Increased overall cost of health care (more tests performed)
Collection of specimen in privacy of one’s own home; no need for transport of specimen Reduced opportunity for internal and external quality assurance, with associated risk of misdiagnosis
Increased risk of inappropriate disposal of diagnostic kits (especially if used in the home)
Medicolegal implications