Table 4.
Column name | Description |
n_migrations | Number of migrating scholars |
year | Year |
countrynamefrom | Country name for migration flow’s “origin” |
countrynameto | Country name for migration flow’s “destination” |
regionfrom | World Bank region from |
regionto | World Bank region to |
incomelevelfrom | World Bank income level from |
incomelevelto | World Bank income level to |
gdp_per_capitafrom | GDP per capita from |
gdp_per_capitato | GDP per capita to |
populationfrom | General population count from |
populationto | General population count to |
iso3codefrom | ISO 3 letter code from |
iso3codeto | ISO 3 letter code to |
paddedpopfrom | Padded population of scholars from |
paddedpopto | Padded population of scholars to |
Each row includes a pair of source- and destination-country and year, and the next columns provide information from OpenAlex and Scopus.