Fig. 5. Strong promoter and ribosome-binding sites are more likely to be found in burdensome BioBricks.
A, B Relative strengths of common promoters and ribosome-binding site (RBS) BioBrick parts, as reported in the iGEM Registry. The number of examples of each promoter or RBS in the 301 BioBricks examined in this study are indicated above the bars (n). Some of these BioBricks contain multiple instances of these promoter and RBS parts. Dashed lines in (A) are the thresholds used to classify promoters as weak, medium, or strong. C, D Fraction of BioBricks that exhibited significant burden (one-tailed t-tests, Benjamini–Hochberg adjusted p < 0.05) when grouped by the strongest gene expression element of each type that they contain. The total numbers of parts in each category are shown above the bars (n). Source data are provided with this paper.