Study Objective
To establish normative volumetric parameters of lumbar foramina. |
To develop and validate a new method for measuring lumbar foraminal volume using CT. |
Measurement Tool
High-resolution MRI. |
CT scan with VitreaCore® software for volume calculation. |
Participant Demographics
500 patients, broad age range, gender-balanced. |
10 healthy patients, mean age 26.3 years. |
Volumetric Results
Detailed volumetric measurements from L1/L2 to L5/S1, showing progressive increases. |
Average foraminal volumes at L4–L5 around 1.25 mm3 and 1.29 mm3 for two observers. |
High interobserver (ICC = 0.91) and intraobserver (ICC = 0.95) reliability. |
High intraobserver correlations (up to 0.99) and interobserver correlations (up to 0.83). |
Demonstrated through ICC values indicating excellent consistency among measurements. |
Demonstrated through intra- and interobserver correlation coefficients. |
Clinical Implications
Provides baseline for normal variations, crucial for diagnosing and managing lumbar foraminal stenosis. |
Suggests that CT-based measurements could supplement tools for measuring foraminal stenosis. |