FIG. 3.
Summary of nuclease digestion data for WT RSV RNA
fragments. Lowest-free-energy secondary-structure diagrams for WT
sequences are depicted (see Materials and Methods for a description of
structure prediction). G residues (target of T1 nuclease)
in the viral RNA are underlined. Nucleotide sequences are numbered
every 10 bases from the 5′ end of the RSV RNA genome. Brackets are used
to designate several RNA-RNA duplexes. (A) Digestion of uncomplexed WT
RNA fragments. A bold lowercase t indicates T1
cleavages, where t t t t was the strongest cleavage site
seen with 0.0009 U of T1 per μl and t t t
designates additional cleavage sites seen with 0.0009 U of
T1 per μl; t t describes moderate-cleavage
sites seen with 0.003 U of T1 per μl, and t
describes slight cleavages with 0.003 U of T1 per μl. A
bold lowercase v indicates V1 cleavages, where
v v v was the strongest cleavage seen with 0.0001 U of
V1 per μl, v v was a strong cleavage seen with
0.0001 U of V1 per μl, and v was a weak
cleavage seen with 0.0001 U of V1 per μl. A bold
lowercase a indicates RNase A cleavages, where a a a
a was the strongest cleavage seen with 0.3 pg of A per μl,
a a a describes additional cleavages seen with 0.3 pg of A
per μl, a a described additional cleavages seen with 1 pg
of A per μl, and a designates cleavages seen only with 3
pg of A per μl. (B) Digestion of WT RNA fragments complexed with
tRNATrp, where the tRNATrp sequences are shown
in bold capital letters. Description of cleavages is as for panel A.
(C) Changes in the digestion pattern when WT RNA fragments were
complexed with tRNATrp. Arrows indicate how the nuclease
digestion pattern changed as the WT fragments were complexed with the
tRNATrp primer. Upward arrows indicate increased cleavage,
while downward arrows indicate decreased cleavage. The number of arrows
indicates the magnitude of the change. ↑ and ↓ indicate changes in
the T1 pattern,
indicate changes in the
V1 pattern, and
and ↓ indicate changes in the A
pattern. Absence of arrows means there was no change in the digestion