Comparison of pharmacological effects of compounds on HEY cancer growth assays of increased complexity, as measured by cell viability with CellTiterGlo™ and spheroid size by bright field microscopy. A) The heat map illustrates % maximal responses at 40 μM (2D) and 20 μM (3D) drug concentrations, calculated based on ATP data for 2D, 3D HEY and 3D HEY/NIH cultures, as well as size measurements from 3D microtissues of HEY and HEY/NIH over time. Darkest red indicates 100 % viability for ATP data, respectively 100 % growth for tissue size data. Darkest blue indicates 0 % viability for ATP data, respectively 0 % growth for tissue size data. For % maximal response calculations, ATP and tissue size values were normalized to the vehicle control. Correlation plots of % maximal response (B, C) and logAC50 (D,E) between homo- and heterotypic HEY microtissues. Straight line corresponds to a liner fit to the data.