Fig. 3. Active sites of Thermoflexaceae bacterium 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase/synthases (TbHACL/S) and Alphaproteobacteria bacterium HACL/S with ThDP and CoA derivatives.
a TbHACL/S-formyl CoA (fCoA) complex, b TbHACL/S-2-hydroxyisobutyryl CoA (hCoA) complex, c ApbHACL/S-CoA complex, d ApbHACL/S-fCoA complex, e ApbHACL/S-L-Lactyl CoA (lCoA) complex and f ApbHACL/S-D-lCoA complex. TbHACL/S dimer is in cyan/dark cyan, ApbHACL/S dimer in dark blue/blue, ThDP and CoA compounds are depicted with magenta and orange sticks. Electron density for whole ligands in these structures are shown in Supplementary Fig. S3.