Fig. 2. X-ray structure of insulin icodec.
a Cartoon representation of the trimeric arrangement of insulin icodec in the crystal. The dimer is coloured in orange and dark blue, for A-chain and B-chain, respectively. The additional icodec molecule is coloured in yellow (A-chain) and purple (B-chain). b Superposition of icodec molecule 1 with molecule 3 of the icodec trimer (left) and icodec molecule 1 with human insulin (right). Colours for icodec are as in (a); human insulin is in light yellow (A-chain) and cyan (B-chain). Residues A14, B16 and B25, which differ between human insulin and icodec are depicted in stick representation. c Interactions (dashed lines) around the A20-B19 disulphide bond for insulin icodec molecule 1 (1st from the left), insulin icodec molecule 3 (2nd from the left), human insulin (3rd from the left) and OI338 (4th from the left).