Table 1.
Model Parameters a
Parameter | Value | Source | |
Duration latent period, d | 5–8 | [11–16] | |
Days infectious totalb | 14–28 | [11, 13–15, 17, 18] | |
Days infectious not refraining from sex | 2–8 | [11, 14, 19, 20] | |
Days infectious refraining from sex | … | … | |
Probability of transmission per sexual contact | 0.1–0.9 | [12, 18, 19] | |
Vaccine efficacy for vaccines administered in the past | 50%–65% | Datad | |
Vaccine efficacy for vaccines administered in 2022 | 80%–90% | [1, 13, 14] | |
Mpox-related death rate | 0.0004 | [21, 22] | |
Factor reducing infectiousness of those vaccinated in the past | … | ||
Factor reducing infectiousness of those vaccinated in 2022 | … | ||
Hospitalization rate | ζ | 0.01–0.02 | Datad [22] |
% of MSM who were in the past vaccinated against smallpox | … | 25% | [23] |
Rate of entry into and exit out of the populationc | μ | 0.02/y | … |
Mixing parameter for main regular partnerships | 0.1–0.9 | … | |
Mixing parameter for casual partnerships | 0.1–0.9 | … | |
Vaccination rate, per de | 0.0003–0.0005 | … | |
Factor reducing transmission from infectious in abstinence | w | 0.15–0.7 | [14] |
Number of MSM in the Netherlands | 250 000 | [23, 24] | |
Number casual partners/d, MSM very high sexual activity group | 0.7–1.0 | Table 2 |
Abbreviation: MSM, men who have sex with men.
aParameters with a range were included in the Latin hypercube sampling.
bThe total number of days a mpox case is infectious is the sum of the days being infectious not in sexual abstinence and the days being infectious in abstinence.
cBased on assumption that MSM are sexually active approximately for 50 y.
dData from the national database of notifiable infectious diseases of the Netherlands [7].
eThe vaccination rate is for uninfected and for exposed individuals of activity group i. Range of values shown is for fairly high and very high sexual activity groups, from 7 June 2022, chosen such that the weekly number of vaccinations was 0.5-1.5 times the weekly number of cases, assuming that in this period approximately 1 contact of each diagnosed case was vaccinated. The vaccination rate for the low activity groups was zero throughout the calculations.