Available working time
No. of hours available for a health worker to report for duty in a year, taking into account all types of absences |
No. of working days per week
No. of working hours per day
Public holidays
Leaves/absences availed of by health workers: annual/vacation leaves, sick leaves, all other types of leaves, official training days
Workload components
Work activities that take up the health workers’ daily activity time. These are classified as health service, support, and additional activities. |
Health service activities |
Activities done by all members of the staff category for which annual statistics are collected |
Refer to Appendices 1-3
Physicians: consultations, admission, discharge, etc.
Nurses: patient assessment, nursing diagnosis and management, immunization, etc.
Midwives: prenatal/postnatal care, family planning, child care, etc.
Support activities |
Activities done by all members of the cadre for which annual statistics are not collected |
Refer to Appendices 1-3
Physicians: health education, attendance to medicolegal cases, etc.
Nurses: health education, documentation, reporting patient census, etc.
Midwives: health education, home visits, housekeeping, etc.
Additional activities |
Activities done only by certain (not all) members of the cadre for which annual statistics are not collected |
Refer to Appendices 1-3
Supervision, management meetings, staff scheduling, disease surveillance, etc.
Workload statistics
Annual service statistics of the healthcare facility, which represent the accomplished health-related activities of the workers |
Service statistics of each healthcare facility for 2022 (e.g., total number of consultations, deliveries, admission, etc.)
Activity standards
The time needed for a skilled, well-trained, and motivated worker to perform an activity based on professional standards in the local context |