Summary of the in vitro transcription data of the mutant P proteins. (A) A schematic of the P protein and the amino acid sequences from aa 408 to 479 of the P mutants. Charge-to-alanine mutants named above are highlighted by boldface lettering and are indicated by an overline. Hydrophobic-to-alanine mutants named below are underlined. 2S447 indicates the insertion of a serine. (B) In vitro transcription of the mutant P proteins from Fig. 2, 3, and 6. The plus signs refer to the amount of transcription in multiple experiments (3 to 6) compared to wt P, as follows: +++++, >80%; ++++, 60 to 80%; +++, 40 to 60%; ++, 20 to 40%; and +, <20%.